A homepage subtitle here And an awesome description here!

Donnerstag, 24. Mai 2012

Happy World Turtle Day! ^_^

...to you all!
I have to let you know that I adore turtles. I love almost all animals, but turtles kinda fascinate me. They kinda remind me in people. Some are slow and other ones are active and swimming around. Harold and Franklin, my little baby turtles (I got them from my boyfriends parents this year) are so active and jumping around. Well not really, but they swim and dive and climb their little stones up. So I thought I dedicate this blog today to my turtles and all the other out there.

Franklin is the big, shy one & Harold is the alpinist, he climbs and climbs and climbs, like a little mountain goat *hihi*

Why do we have a World Turtle Day?

The purpose of this day, every May 23rd since 2000, is to inform people. Nearly the half of all the turtle species that we know about, are at risk of extinction. We, as human kind, are encouraged on this special day to discover the world of turtles and to learn how we can help to protect them. You can find more infos about the Turtle Day here.
© by tortoise.com

Montag, 21. Mai 2012

Summer Break is coming to town

The spring semester is almost over YAY :-D and I have already lots of plans, but I also have to make some:

  • start seriously blogging (as you know and can see, I just started it and right before all my finals, bad idea)
  • to cook & to bake more (it's so much more healthier & I really enjoy doing it, but time is sometimes so short)
  • finishing my website & my uncle's geesh...I promised him to be done with it, when I come to visit Germany
  • stop cluttering (I'm clean, but it's so stressful if you're messy - lets say it is the double of the work that you have to do than you would if you would be neat - and I'm half German, I should be neat, huh?)
  • to start yoga & pilates again (I stopped it last year, 2 years ago (?) I don't even remember)
  • to get back into art (well, nothing special, but it's so relaxing)
  • get more disciplined (I'm really lacking in disciplin lately, and I hate it)
  • to study Thai again (you gotta love the country, the language and of course the food, especially when your mommy is Thai & it's been a while since I did)
  • a road trip would be wonderful (either in the US or Germany/Europe, at least a city trip) 
  • start more filming (especially when I'm in Germany, I wanna get my friends fitness short done)
  • get back into photography (old school as well as digital - but since I'm in the desert I'm so uninspired *sigh*) 
  • oh yeah, and that of course as well - RELAXING 

I guess after that my summer break will be over as fast as I can blink :-)
What are your plans for the summer (break)? I'm curious what everybody is planning on doing.

Happy Pick Strawberries Day!

Today on Sunday May, 20th 2012 is "Pick Strawberries Day"!
I actually should study for my finals this week, but seriously, sometimes you need a break from all this studying and to get a snack. 

Therefore, I have a little "recipe". Well, you can't really call it recipe, but it's delicious and I got my friend Marion from Germany addicted when she came to visit me. 

All you need is:
  • a box of fresh strawberries
  • marshmallow creme 
Wash just as many strawberries as you plan to eat. Dry them carefully. Then take one strawberry, dip it into the marshmallow creme or use a butter knife to cover it with the creme. So simple, yet so good :-)

Here is another snacking recipe that my coworkers love, they got kinda wild with it.
  • strawberries
  • whip cream or sour cream
  • brown cane sugar
Wash you strawberries and dip one of them first into the cream and then roll them in the brown sugar. It tastes delicious. 

Donnerstag, 3. Mai 2012